Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wordfence Launches New Tool To Help WP Publishers Prevent Password Hacks

WordPress accounts for approximately one quarter of all Web sites on this planet, which means the most popular content management system consistently gets attacked.

Now, a Seattle startup through the name of Wordfence is seeking to help WordPress administrators prevent these attacks, and make guaranteed passwords are up to snuff.

The company — in whose security plug-in has been downloaded in excess of 5. 2 million times — currently is announcing a new tool which allows WordPress publishers and also admins to verify the potency of user passwords. To make this happen, Wordfence utilizes what is actually a “cracking cluster” of supercomputers to analyse password strength.

If the password strength shows up suspect, the tool offers features to enhance site security.

“Hackers today have accessibility to a tremendous amount of processing power by means of off-the-shelf computing hardware from vendors such as Nvidia and AMD. This hardware excels at parallel info processing and decreases the time needed to crack a password through orders of magnitude, ” mentioned Wordfence co-founder Mark Maunder. “To assist assure our customers along with the WordPress community are utilizing the strongest passwords possible, we’ve created our very own powerful cracking cluster with more than forty Teraflops of processing power so users can easily evaluate existing password strength plus more effectively secure their own sites. ”

Maunder actually put together the idea for Wordfence after his very own personal website was hacked within 2011. He fixed the matter, donated the code returning to a project to counteract similar exploits after which started Wordfence. Currently, he said this company’s technology prevents an average of 23 million attacks every day on WordPress. Maunder previously worked like a developer at Jobster, eToys and also the BBC.

The new password tool arrives embedded within the premium version of Wordfence, which costs $39 each year.

Source:: This atop written content is based on materials provided by the GeekWire and image credit also.


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